Natural Face Toner For Every Skin Type

In our quest for healthy and radiant skin, we often come across various skincare products that claim to work wonders. One such product that has gained popularity over the years is face toner. Face toners are known for balancing the skin’s pH levels, tightening pores, and providing hydration. While numerous toners are available in the market, opting for a natural face, toner can offer a range of benefits without exposing your skin to harsh chemicals. This article “Natural Face Toner For Every Skin Type” will explore natural face toners suitable for every skin type, ensuring you can find the perfect match for your skincare routine.
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Face toner-1 Healthogic

Natural Face Toner For Every Skin Type

What exactly is a toner? 

A toner is a lotion, tonic, or wash designed to cleanse the skin and reduce the appearance of pores. It is usually used on the face and moisturizes, protects, and refreshes the skin. Toners can be applied to the skin in various ways, such as using a cotton round or spraying them onto the face.

Another method is applying a tonic gauze facial mask, where a piece of gauze is covered with toner and left on the face for a few minutes. Alternatively, sheet masks, compressed masks that expand when liquid is added, can also be used with toner. (1)

How and when should a toner be used?

After cleansing your face, it is recommended to use a toner before applying moisturizer or serum. Suppose you’re using a hyaluronic acid-based serum.

Applying the toner before the serum is best. Rather than waiting for the toner to dry, applying the serum while your skin is still damp is advisable.

It allows the hyaluronic acid to draw more moisture from the water on your skin, preventing a sticky feeling that it can sometimes leave.

However, if you’re using a different type of serum or a moisturizer, it’s best to wait for the toner to dry before applying the following product.

Toners can be used both in the morning and at night, depending on the ingredients they contain. Some toners are specifically recommended for nighttime use.

When applying a toner with a cotton round, ensure that your skin is saturated with the product to prevent dryness. Toners can also help remove excess dirt or makeup residue after cleansing.

Incorporating a toner into your skincare routine can offer additional benefits, as it can introduce specific active ingredients that may not be present in other products.
Additionally, toners can help minimize the appearance of pores.

However, it’s important to note that they cannot reduce the size of pores. Using sunscreen to protect your pores as you age is highly recommended.

Another benefit of toners, particularly highlighted in essences, is their ability to restore and replenish the skin after cleansing, as cleansers can disrupt the skin’s natural balance.

Understanding the Importance of Face Toners

Regarding skincare, it’s essential to understand the purpose and benefits of using face toner. Face toners are typically used after cleansing to remove any remaining dirt, oil, or makeup residue that may have been missed during the cleansing process.

They can help restore the skin’s pH balance, tighten pores, and prepare it for better absorption of moisturizers and other skincare products.

Face Toners for Dry Skin

Choosing a best natural toner for face that provides gentle hydration and nourishment is crucial for individuals with dry skin. Rosewater, derived from rose petals, is an excellent choice for dry skin due to its moisturizing and soothing properties.

Additionally, chamomile-infused toners can help calm inflammation and redness, leaving the skin feeling refreshed and revitalized.

Face Toner for Oily Skin

Oily skin often requires toners that help control excess sebum production and minimize the appearance of pores. Witch hazel is a popular natural ingredient known for its astringent properties, making it ideal for toners designed for oily skin.

It helps tighten the skin, reduce oiliness, and prevent breakouts. Tea tree oil is another beneficial ingredient with antimicrobial properties, effectively combating acne and reducing oiliness.

Face Toner for Combination Skin

Combination skin requires a delicate balance between hydrating dry areas and controlling excess oiliness. Aloe vera-based toners are perfect for combination skin types, providing hydration without greasiness. Green tea-infused toners are also beneficial as they help control oiliness while offering antioxidant protection.

Face Toner for Sensitive Skin

Those with sensitive skin must be cautious when choosing skincare products, including toners. Natural ingredients like cucumber and calendula are known for their soothing properties, making them suitable for sensitive skin.

These ingredients help reduce redness, irritation, and inflammation, promoting a healthier and more comfortable complexion.

Face Toner for Acne-Prone Skin

Acne-prone skin requires toners to help reduce inflammation, unclog pores, and prevent breakouts. Apple cider vinegar, diluted with water, is a popular natural toner for acne-prone skin.

It possesses antibacterial and exfoliating properties that can help control acne-causing bacteria and gently exfoliate the skin’s surface.

How to Incorporate Face Toners into Your Skincare Routine

Now that we have explored various natural face toners suitable for different skin types, it’s essential to understand how to incorporate them into your skincare routine. After cleansing your face:

  1. Take a cotton pad or reusable cotton round and apply the toner to your skin, focusing on areas of concern.
  2. Gently pat the toner on your skin and allow it to absorb fully.
  3. Follow up with a moisturizer to lock in hydration.

Toners vs. Mists vs. Astringents vs. Essences 

Let’s differentiate between toners, mists, astringents, and essences. As mentioned earlier, Toners are primarily used to cleanse and hydrate the skin while minimizing the appearance of pores.

Conversely, mists are typically water-based sprays that provide a refreshing burst of hydration throughout the day. They are often used to rehydrate the skin or give a quick pick-me-up, especially when your skin feels dry or dull.

Astringents, called tonics, are specifically formulated to remove excess oil and tighten the skin, and they are often recommended for oily or acne-prone skin types.

Essences are lightweight, highly concentrated products with active ingredients targeting specific skin concerns. They are usually applied after toning and are designed to penetrate deeper into the skin to deliver specific benefits.

1. Diy Face Mist for Dry Skin

Rejuvenate your skin with a delightful combination of fragrant hydrosols, aloe vera, and skin-nourishing humectants.

Facial Mist

Facial mists offer more than just a pleasant aroma! They provide instant hydration, help control oil, and even assist in setting makeup, making them incredibly versatile beauty products.


  • 106 grams Water
  • 4 grams Glycerine
  • 20 grams of Concentrated Aloe Vera
  • 20 grams Orange Blossom Hydrosol
  • 20 grams of Chamomile Hydrosol
  • 20 grams of Rose Hydrosol
  • 10 grams Manuka Honey Hydrosol
  • 2 grams Eco-friendly Preservative


In a container, accurately measure all the ingredients: water, glycerine, aloe vera concentrate, orange blossom, chamomile, rose, manuka honey hydrosols, and the preservative.

Thoroughly whisk the mixture to ensure complete blending. 

Allow it to rest until the bubbles dissipate, leaving a clear liquid.

Transfer the mixture into a spray or mist bottle, aiming for a fine mist.

This recipe yields 200g of facial mist. 

Use the formula calculator to adjust the quantities according to your preference.

2. Revitalizing Hyaluronic Acid Toner

You are infused with natural botanical extracts, hyaluronic acid, and film-forming humectants to lock in moisture and nourish your skin.


Phase 1:

  • 5 grams of Glycerine
  • 0.75 grams of Xanthan Gum

Phase 2:

  • 107 grams of Distilled Water
  • 75 grams of Manuka Honey Floral Water
  • 25 grams of Aloe Vera Concentrate
  • 25 grams of Hyaluronic Acid Gel
  • 12.5 grams of D Panthenol (Vitamin B5)
  • 2.5 grams of Preservative Eco


Measure out the ingredients for Phase 1:

Xanthan Gum and Glycerine (or Honey).

Thoroughly mix them in a small container until fully combined, and let it sit.

In a large beaker, measure the ingredients for Phase 2:

Water, Manuka honey floral water, Aloe Vera concentrate, Hyaluronic acid gel, D Panthenol, and Preservative Eco.

Whisk the Xanthan Gum mixture into the large beaker containing Phase 2 ingredients and blend well.

Transfer the mixture to your preferred dispensing container. This recipe yields approximately 250ml of toner serum.

You can adjust the amounts using the formula calculator to make 250g of toner serum.

3. Skin Renewal Peptide Toner For dry and mature skin

I loved the skin renewal peptide toner. Interestingly, I’ve been applying it using the palms of my hands instead of a cotton round, and my skin has thoroughly absorbed it. The toner provides a fantastic hydration boost. 


Phase 1

  • 146.5 grams of distilled water
  • 20 grams of Rose hydrosol
  • 1 gram of liquid germall plus
  • 4 grams of DL panthenol
  • 0.4 grams of sodium carbomer
  • 2 grams of hexapeptide 1 ECT
  • 4 grams of Viola tri-color extract
  • 4 grams of marshmallow extract
  • vegetable collagen of 4 grams

Phase 2

  • 14 grams of propanediol
  • 0.1 gram ULMW Hyaluronic Acid


Let’s start with phase A. We’ll need 146.5 grams of distilled water. I include 20 grams of Rose hydrosol to enhance its benefits, known for reducing redness and improving complexion, especially for dry and mature skin.

Next, I add 1 gram of liquid germall plus, the easiest preservative to incorporate into toners. Unlike the previous toner recipes, there’s no need to mix it with propanediol or glycerin beforehand.

Moving on, I incorporate 4 grams of DL panthenol, a highly hydrating ingredient that soothes the skin and helps prevent water loss.

Use a watch glass for precise measurements to disperse 0.4 grams of sodium carbomer. This pre-neutralized synthetic polymer thickens and gels water.

While clumping may initially occur, consistent stirring will eventually dissolve the clumps. This specific carbomer I’m using doesn’t require pH adjustment, unlike other carbomers. It is the easiest to work with.

Once the carbomer is thoroughly mixed, you’ll be left with a beautiful gel consistency.

Add 2 grams of hexapeptide to one ECT, a beneficial peptide with multiple anti-aging properties.

It improves skin hydration and enhances skin tone. I also include 4 grams of marshmallow extract, known for its softening and conditioning effects on the skin.

Additionally, I incorporate 4 grams of Viola tri-color extract, which has anti-inflammatory properties, improves skin hydration, and aids in boosting hyaluronic acid levels.

Including vegetable collagen, 4 grams in total, offers anti-aging benefits and enhances skin elasticity.

Set phase A aside and prepare a container for phase B, which consists of 14 grams of propanediol. Separating propanediol into phase B allows easier ultra-low molecular weight hyaluronic acid integration.

Combining hyaluronic acid with propanediol facilitates its mixing into the water phase.

Pour phase B into phase A and thoroughly blend the two phases.

It’s time to check and adjust the pH once again. The pH currently measures 6.19, higher than the skin’s natural pH range of 4.5 to 5.5.

However, due to the presence of sodium carbomer in this formula, we cannot lower the pH without causing thinning. Rest assured.

This toner won’t dry out or irritate your skin and remains close enough to the skin’s natural pH. Keep in mind that water has a pH of 7.

This toner is perfect for individuals with dry and mature skin. Its ultra-hydrating properties provide moisturization and improve the skin’s barrier.

Additionally, it offers anti-aging benefits. You can use it in both your morning and evening skincare routine. I prefer applying it with the palms of my hands, gently patting it on my skin until it dries.

However, using a cotton round is also an option. The advantage of this toner is that it sits on the surface of the cotton round without saturating it, minimizing wastage.

4. Niacinamide Radiance Tonic

I am introducing a revitalizing tonic suitable for all skin types.

If you are unfamiliar with the workings of skincare formulations and their transformation into recipes, I recommend watching my beginner’s series on the formulation. Let’s commence with Phase A.


Phase A

  • 164.6 grams of distilled water
  • 8 grams of niacinamide
  • 1 gram of alpha-arbutin
  • 6 grams of Alpha-Flor Gigawhite
  • 4 grams of licorice root extract 

Phase B

  • 14 grams of propanediol
  • 2.4 mg of Uxel K903


Combine 164.6 grams of distilled water with 8 grams of niacinamide, vitamin B3.

This potent ingredient aids in brightening the skin, minimizing the appearance of pores, promoting even skin tone, reducing inflammation, and enhancing overall skin appearance.

Add one gram of alpha-arbutin, a key brightening component that is highly sought after.

It effectively improves skin tone and reduces dark spots without altering skin color.

Furthermore, incorporate six grams of Alpha-Flor Gigawhite, an eco-certified skin brightener renowned for minimizing dark spots while preserving your natural skin tone.

The alpha-arbutin or Alpha-Flor Gigawhite can be omitted when using the other ingredient.

Add four grams of licorice root extract to complement these, which brightens the skin and possesses soothing properties.

If licorice root extract is unavailable, please substitute it with another extract. Thoroughly blend all the ingredients in this phase.

It moves to Phase B, which comprises 14 grams of propanediol. This phase facilitates the mixing of propanediol with our preservative, Uxel K903, an Eco-Cert certified preservative.

Due to its limited solubility in aqueous solutions, mixing it with a solvent like propanediol is necessary. Once combined, pour this mixture into Phase A to ensure an even preservative distribution.

Now, it is time to assess and adjust the pH level. The natural pH of my formulation is 4.41, which is lower than the optimal range for niacinamide.

A pH of approximately six, or slightly below, is ideal for accommodating niacinamide’s requirements.

Since Uxel K903 remains effective within a pH range of up to six, I must ensure that my formulation’s pH falls within that range.

After testing, I achieved a pH of 5.7, suitable for this toner, and closed enough to six without exceeding it.

This exceptional toner caters to all skin types, brightening the complexion, reducing dark spots and pigmentation, and safeguarding the skin against free radicals.

Apply it in your morning and night skincare routine, using a cotton round for easy application.

Moving forward to our following toner, the Papaya-infused formulation

5. Green Tea Antioxidant Toner


Phase A

  • 117 grams Distilled Water
  • 60 grams Witch hazel hydrosol
  • 4 grams Green Tea Extract
  • 1 grams Liquid germall plus
  • 4 grams DL panthenol
Phase B

  • 14 grams propanediol
  • 0.1 grams ULMC Hyaluronic Acid


Starting with Phase A, we combine 116.9 grams of distilled water with 60 grams of witch hazel hydrosol.

To enhance its benefits, we incorporate 4 grams of green tea extract, which aids in achieving even skin tone, acts as a potent antioxidant, brightens the skin, and helps soothe irritation.

Additionally, we add 1 gram of liquid Dremel Plus as a preservative, which is beginner-friendly and easily manageable.

For added hydration, elasticity, and overall improvement in appearance, we mix in 4 grams of DL panthenol.

This ingredient moisturizes the skin and prevents water loss through the epidermis, and the powder dissolves effortlessly in the mixture.

Moving on to Phase B, we start with 14 grams of propanediol, a humectant that hydrates the skin.

In this case, it is used separately to facilitate the hydration of hyaluronic acid. We incorporate ultra-low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, which has multiple benefits, such as plumping the skin, reducing fine lines and wrinkles, and enhancing overall hydration.

As we age, our skin naturally loses hyaluronic acid, making it beneficial to reintroduce it through skincare products. Mixing it with propanediol helps expedite its hydration in the water.

Once the hyaluronic acid is combined with propanediol, we pour Phase B into Phase A and mix until the ingredients are thoroughly combined.

Now, it’s time to check the pH for a comprehensive understanding of pH and its importance. 

The Green Tea Toner is suitable for all skin types, and it effectively hydrates and replenishes the skin after cleansing while restoring its natural pH; it can be used both in the morning and evening. Application is simple: pour a small amount onto a cotton round and gently apply it to your skin.

6. Papaya Enzyme Exfoliating Toner! sensitive skin


Phase A

  • 150 grams of distilled water
  • 4 grams of henna extract
  • 6 grams of willow bark extract
  • 4 grams of papaya enzyme
  • 4 grams of DL panthenol

 Phase B

  • 10 grams of propanediol
  • 2 grams of Euxyl PE 9010


Let’s begin with Phase A. For a 200-gram batch, we start with 150 grams of water, followed by 20 grams of lavender hydrosol.

Next, we add 4 grams of henna extract and 6 grams of willow bark extract, an exfoliating ingredient.

To enhance the exfoliating properties, we incorporate 4 grams of papaya enzyme.

Mixing all these ingredients, we add 4 grams of DL panthenol and ensure thorough dissolution. In case you need a refresher, DL panthenol provides numerous benefits, as mentioned earlier.

You are moving on to Phase B, which consists of 10 grams of propanediol.

To ensure proper mixing into the formula, we combine 2 grams of Euxyl PE 9010, a different preservative with a similar name. (2)

Euxyl PE 9010 tends to settle on top of the toner without proper mixing. Once you’ve poured the preservative and propanediol into Phase A, mix them well, and you’re good to go.

That concludes the formulation of this toner, which was relatively quick.

Now, it’s time to check and adjust the pH level. We aim for a pH range between 4.5 to 5.5 since no ingredients like niacinamide require specific pH levels.

If you’re unsure about adjusting pH, I have a comprehensive video titled “All About pH” that I highly recommend watching. I achieved a pH of 5.24, which aligns perfectly with our skin’s natural pH level.

This toner is excellent for oily skin types. It gently exfoliates the skin, improves complexion, and helps balance oil production.

It is recommended for evening use only, as it may increase sensitivity to the sun. Apply it using a cotton round.

7. Homemade Rose Cucumber Face Toner For dry skin


Phase A (Water Phase):

  • 30 grams of rose water
  • 21 grams of distilled water
  • 3.6 grams of vegetable glycerin
  • 1.2 grams of hydrolyzed rice protein

Phase B (Cool-Down Phase):

  • 1.8 grams of cucumber extract
  • 2.4 grams of water-soluble preservative (e.g., Lewis Seidel SF complete)


Prepare a digital scale that can weigh in increments of 0.01 grams.

In a heat-safe glass container, weigh and combine the ingredients for Phase A (water phase): rose water, distilled water, vegetable glycerin, and hydrolyzed rice protein. Mix well.

Create a water bath by placing the glass container in a pot filled with about an inch of water. Cover the container with aluminum foil to prevent evaporation and contaminants from entering.

Heat the water bath to 158 degrees Fahrenheit (70 degrees Celsius) and maintain this temperature for 20 minutes to sterilize the ingredients.

Allow the mixture to cool back to room temperature.

Once the mixture has cooled, add the ingredients for Phase B (cool-down phase): cucumber extract and water-soluble preservative. Mix well to ensure all ingredients are thoroughly combined.

To balance the pH of the toner, use citric acid if needed. Adjust the pH to your desired range (usually around 5.5 to 6.5).

Transfer the toner to a glass bottle for storage.

Label the bottle and include the ingredients used.

To use the toner, apply it to cleansed skin before moisturizing. You can pour a small amount onto a cotton round and gently rub it into your skin or use a spray cap to spray two to three pumps onto your face and pat it into the skin.


This recipe is specifically designed for dry and sensitive skin types. If you have any allergies or sensitivities to the listed ingredients, please exercise caution or consult a dermatologist before using the toner.

Please note that I have provided the recipe based on your shared information. Conducting a patch test before using any new skincare product is essential, especially if you have sensitive skin or allergies.

8. Coconut Face Mist For Sensitive skin

To make a coconut face mist or setting spray, you will need the following ingredients and equipment:


  • 19.2 grams of distilled water
  • 3 grams of cosmetic-grade coconut water
  • 3 grams of chamomile hydrosol
  • 1.2 grams of propylene glycol
  • 0.6 grams of vegetable glycerin
  • 0.6 grams of hydrolyzed oat protein
  • 0.9 grams of DL panthenol
  • 0.15 grams of allantoin
  • 0.6 grams of mushroom extract (optional)
  • 0.6 grams of dragon fruit extract (optional)
  • 0.15 grams of liquid germall plus (preservative)


  • A digital scale that measures in grams
  • Heat-safe container (e.g., a glass beaker)
  • Water bath setup (pan, water, aluminum foil)
  • Mixing utensil
  • 1-ounce glass spray bottle


Here are the steps to make the coconut face mist:

Measure and weigh the distilled water, coconut water, chamomile hydrosol, propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, hydrolyzed oat protein, DL panthenol, and allantoin using a digital scale. Mix them in a heat-safe container.

Create a water bath by filling a pan with water and placing your heat-safe container in it. Cover the container with aluminum foil to heat the mixture indirectly.

Heat the water bath to at least 148 degrees Fahrenheit (or 64 degrees Celsius) to dissolve the powdered ingredients. Use a temperature gun to monitor the temperature.

After heating, note the weight of the water mixture and add distilled water to compensate for any water loss due to evaporation during heating. Allow the mixture to return to room temperature.

Once the mixture has cooled down, add the mushroom and dragon fruit extract (or any other you choose). These extracts are optional but offer additional benefits.

Finally, add the liquid germall plus as a preservative to ensure the longevity and stability of your face mist.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly to ensure they are well combined.

Transfer the mixture to a 1-ounce glass spray bottle using a funnel or a pipette.

Apply a custom label to the bottle if desired.

Your homemade coconut face mist or setting spray is now ready to use. Shake the bottle before each use, and spray it onto your face as needed to refresh your makeup or hydrate your skin throughout the day.

9. Salicylic Acid Toner Exfoliation or Treating Acne

To make a salicylic acid toner, you will need the following ingredients and equipment:


  • 4 grams of salicylic acid
  • 20 grams of propandial
  • 10 grams of polysugamol d9 (solubilizer)
  • 8 grams of 10% sodium hydroxide solution (pH buffer)
  • 157 grams of distilled water
  • 1 gram of liquid dermal plus (preservative)


  • Beakers or mixing bowls
  • Measuring scale
  • Mixing utensils
  • Water bath or heat source
  • pH meter or pH strips


Here are the steps to make the salicylic acid toner:

Prepare Phase A

Weigh out 4 grams of salicylic acid.

Add 20 grams of propandial to the salicylic acid and mix it. The salicylic acid will not wholly dissolve but will appear cloudy.

Add the Solubilizer

Add 10 grams of polysugamol d9 (or any other solubilizer) to the salicylic acid and propandial mixture.

Mix everything until well combined.

Dissolve Salicylic Acid

Place the mixture in a water bath or heat source.

Heat and mix the solution until the salicylic acid dissolves completely. It should take a little time.

Prepare Phase B

Prepare a 10% sodium hydroxide solution by dissolving 8 grams of sodium hydroxide in distilled water.

Add 157 grams of distilled water to the sodium hydroxide solution.

Mix the solution well.

Combine Phases A and B

Pour Phase A (salicylic acid mixture) into Phase B (sodium hydroxide solution) and mix everything.

The mixture will initially appear cloudy but continue mixing until it becomes clear.

Add Preservative

Add 1 gram of liquid dermal plus or any other water-soluble broad-spectrum preservative.

Mix the preservative thoroughly.

Check pH Level

Take a small amount of the toner and pour it into a beaker.

Use a pH meter or pH strips to measure the pH level. The pH should be between 3.5 and 4.5.

Bottle the Toner

Once the pH level is satisfactory, transfer the toner into a suitable container or bottle.

Label the bottle with the name and date of preparation.

To use the toner, pour a small amount onto a cotton round and gently pat it onto the skin. Please wait for it to dry before applying moisturizer. The toner can be used on the face or body for exfoliation or treating acne.

10. Glycolic Acid Toner For Oily Acne-Prone Skin


Phase A:

  • 1.6 grams of distilled water
  • 1 gram liquid dermal plus (preservative)
  • 0.1 grams of aloe vera powder
  • 20 grams of witch hazel hydrosol
  • 4 grams of henna extract
  • 4 grams of chamomile-extract

Phase B:

  • 20.3 grams of glycolic acid
  • 50 grams buffer solution (to raise the pH of glycolic acid)


In a container, combine the distilled water, liquid dermal plus, aloe vera powder, witch hazel hydrosol, henna extract, and chamomile extract. Mix them until well blended.

In a separate container, mix the glycolic acid with the buffer solution. Let it cool to room temperature.

Pour Phase B (glycolic acid mixture) into Phase A (extract mixture). Stir well to ensure thorough mixing.

Use a pH meter to check the pH of the toner. Aim for a pH level between 4.0 and 4.5, which is suitable for glycolic acid. Adjust the pH if necessary.

Once the pH is within the desired range, bottle the toner into glass bottles for storage.

To use the toner, apply it to cleansed skin using a cotton round. Pat it gently onto your face, avoiding the eye area.

It’s recommended to use this toner at night, starting with a frequency of a few times a week and gradually increasing if your skin tolerates it.

Remember to use sunscreen during the day when using glycolic acid products, as they can increase sun sensitivity.

Please note that formulating skincare products involves working with precise measurements and percentages.

11. Homemade Lemon Toner with Aloe & Niacinamide – for Oily Acne Prone Skin


  • 12.8 grams of distilled water
  • 3.5 grams of lemon hydrosol
  • 7 grams of aloe vera liquid
  • 7 grams of witch hazel
  • 1.75 grams niacinamide
  • 1.4 grams of cucumber extract
  • 0.7 grams of vegetable glycerin
  • 0.7 grams of willow bark extract
  • 0.17 grams liquid germall plus (or any other water-soluble broad-spectrum preservative)


Using a digital scale, measure 12.8 grams of distilled water in a 50-glass beaker.

Add 3.5 grams of lemon hydrosol to the beaker.

Pour in 7 grams of aloe vera liquid and 7 grams of witch hazel.

Add 1.75 grams of niacinamide and mix the ingredients until the niacinamide dissolves.

Next, add 1.4 grams of cucumber extract and 0.7 grams of vegetable glycerin.

Mix well, and then add 0.7 grams of willow bark extract.

Stir the mixture thoroughly to ensure all the ingredients are well combined.

Finally, add 0.17 grams of liquid germall plus (or your preferred preservative) to preserve the toner.

Give the toner a final mix to ensure everything is well combined.

Transfer the toner to a one-ounce glass bottle.

This homemade toner is suitable for oily, acne-prone skin. Lemon hydrosol helps control oiliness and is beneficial for acne-prone skin. Aloe vera liquid soothes inflammation caused by acne, while niacinamide helps treat acne. The other ingredients also contribute to the toner’s effectiveness for oily, acne-prone skin.

12. Homemade Fruit Acid Face Toner


  • 54.6 grams of Distilled Water
  • 3 grams Fruit Mix
  • 2.4 grams Leucidal SF Complete


Use a digital scale that measures 0.01 grams.

In a 250ml glass beaker, weigh out 54.6 grams of distilled water.

Add 3 grams of fruit acid complex (fruit mix) to the beaker.

Mix the water and fruit acid complex.

Check the pH level of the mixture. The fruit mix naturally falls at around 4.4, so there’s no need to adjust the pH level.

Add 2.4 grams of the water-soluble broad-spectrum preservative to the mixture.

Mix everything thoroughly to ensure proper blending.

Transfer the toner solution into a 2-ounce glass bottle or any suitable container.

Apply the toner to cleansed skin using a cotton round, gently patting it into your skin.

Follow with a moisturizer, and always wear sunscreen when using alpha hydroxy acids.

Store the toner in a cool, dry place.

Note: If you’re new to using alpha hydroxy acids, it’s essential to start with a lower concentration (like 5%) and gradually increase it as your skin adjusts. If you experience any adverse reactions, discontinue use and consult a dermatologist.

13. Homemade 5% Lactic Acid Toner


  • 94.6 grams of distilled water
  • 3-gram Lactic acid 
  • Preservatives (such as Lewis Idol SF Complete)


  • A digital scale that measures 0.01 grams
  • Glass beaker or container
  • pH test strips or pH meter


Calculate the amount of lactic acid needed

Since you have an 88% concentration of lactic acid and want to make a 5% solution, you need to calculate the appropriate amount. For example, if you want to make 2 ounces (60 grams) of the solution, 5% of 60 grams is 3 grams.

Measure the distilled water:

Subtract the amount of lactic acid (3 grams) and the preservative from 100 grams to determine the amount of distilled water needed. In this example, it would be 100-3-2.4=94.6 grams of distilled water.

Mix the lactic acid and distilled water: In a glass beaker or container, add the calculated amount of distilled water (94.6 grams) and then add the lactic acid (3 grams). Mix them thoroughly.

Check the pH level

Use pH test strips or a pH meter to measure the pH level of the solution. Lactic acid solutions typically have a low pH (around 2 or 3). If the pH level is too low, it needs to be adjusted.

Adjust the pH level

To raise the pH level, prepare a 10% diluted lye solution and add a few drops at a time to the lactic acid solution. Mix well and wait for about a minute before retesting the pH level. Repeat this process until the pH level reaches around 3.5.

Add the preservative

Add the preservative to the solution once the desired pH level is achieved. Follow the recommended usage rate for your specific preservative. For example, if using Lewis Idol SF Complete with a suggested usage rate of 4%, add 2.4 grams to the solution.

Final adjustments

If any water was subtracted at the beginning to make room for the buffer solution, add that amount back in now. Mix well to ensure all ingredients are thoroughly combined.

Transfer and store:

  1. Transfer the toning solution to a suitable container, such as a glass or plastic squeeze bottle.
  2. Label the container with the ingredients, date, and any relevant information.
  3. Store the solution in a cool, dark place.

Always patch-test any homemade skincare products on a small area of your skin before applying them to your entire face, especially when using alpha hydroxy acids like lactic acid.

14. Strawberry Facial Mist


  • 11.3 grams Strawberry Essence Water
  • 5.6 grams Aloe Vera Liquid
  • 32 grams of Distilled Water
  • 1.7 grams Glycerin
  • 1.13 grams of Hydrolyzed Oat Protein
  • 1.13 grams of Green Tea Extract
  • 1.13 grams Niacinamide
  • 1.13 grams DL Panthenol
  • 0.28 grams Allantoin
  • 1.13 grams Leucidal SF Complete


If you lack aloe vera, fret not! You can easily replace it with distilled water, and remember to adjust the percentage accordingly.

The same principle applies to other ingredients. For instance, if you don’t have niacinamide, substitute it with an equal percentage of water.

Allow your creativity to flow as you tailor this facial mist to your preferences.

First, pour 11.3 grams of strawberry essence water into the container. Follow this with 5.6 grams of aloe vera liquid, 32 grams of distilled water, and 0.28 grams of allantoin. Allantoin, with its soothing and protective properties, contributes to the overall efficacy of this mist.

Next, introduce 1.13 grams of panthenol, also known as vitamin B5.

This ingredient aids in enhancing the skin’s appearance, maintaining moisture, and preserving elasticity.

Add 1.13 grams of niacinamide, vitamin B3, to the mixture. Niacinamide offers multiple benefits, including rejuvenating aged skin and improving moisture retention.

Ensure that all the powdered ingredients dissolve entirely in the water as you mix.

To further enhance the mist’s hydrating properties, incorporate 1.7 grams of vegetable glycerin. Add 1.13 grams of green tea extract, which boasts natural antioxidants, protecting the skin against free radicals and promoting health.

Remember to blend these extracts with the water mixture thoroughly.

Lastly, introduce 1.13 grams of hydrolyzed protein, which imparts a luxuriously soft texture to the skin.

To preserve the freshness and longevity of your mist, include a natural preservative.
In this recipe, I’m utilizing Luisidol SF Complete at a 2% concentration, equivalent to 1.13 grams.

No emulsifier is necessary since all the ingredients are water-based and blend harmoniously.

However, if you incorporate carrier oils, you’ll require an emulsifier like polysorbate 80. Emulsifiers facilitate the blending of water and oil, as these substances do not naturally mix.

With the recipe complete, transfer the mist into a spray bottle, and I prefer using a 2-ounce glass bottle for this purpose.

Prepare to be enchanted by the exquisite scent emanating from this facial mist. I confess I’m captivated by its allure.

As demonstrated here, spray three pumps onto your face and lightly pat it in. Experience the remarkable softness and rejuvenation this mist imparts to your skin.

The Author’s Message

I hope you enjoyed my blog about “Natural Face Toner For Every Skin Type”

In this article, we explore face toners and their benefits for healthy, radiant skin. Our curated collection of natural toner recipes caters to different skin types and concerns. From oily to dry, sensitive to combination skin, our post guides you in selecting suitable ingredients to nourish and balance your complexion.

We prioritize organic and accessible ingredients for ease and convenience. Addressing concerns like acne, aging, and hyperpigmentation, our guide helps you create toners that improve skin texture, reduce blemishes, and promote a youthful appearance.

By embracing natural toners, you contribute to sustainable skincare practices and a more environmentally conscious beauty routine. We invite you to read the full post for valuable insights to enhance your skincare naturally.

Your skin deserves utmost care, and we believe our insights empower you to make informed decisions for healthier, happier skin.

Thank you for reading. I’m always excited when my blog posts can provide helpful information on a topic like this!

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